Sit at a desk? Tips below!

Do Some Brain Work Today: Walk

Diane Lilli

Sitting around is not the way to keep your brain healthy. Numerous studies report that activity is key to staying healthy, and when it comes to your brain functions getting up and about is vital.

Walking is linked to reducing impairment of your cognitive health since it improves weak blood vessels in your brain.

Vascular dementia, which is vascular cognitive impairment, has been shown to improve with simply taking more steps daily. After Alzheimer’s disease, vascular cognitive impairment is the second leading cause of dementia.

Researchers conducted tests on people who walked 3 hours per week for six months and discovered they had both improved brain functions and faster reaction times.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that older adults get 150 minutes per week; and for the younger set, try for 45-60 minutes per day.

If you are like me and sit at a desk most days, it is wise to get up often. Human beings are just not designed to be sedentary. Here are some helpful tips to get you up and walking:

1. Set your timer on your smart phone to alert you every hour.

2. Get up - and walk for 2 - 3 minutes.

3. If you have stairs in your office or building take them up and down, building up your stamina.

4. Before work, take 10 minutes to walk outside (yes, it's cold but bundle up) or just do some jumping jacks or light dancing around your home. Not only will you get your heart racing, but you might feel happy - even on a Monday morning at 7:30.

5. Get a dog. Walking a dog has been linked to both happiness and greater heart health and other health benefits for everyone.

6. After work, take another 10 minutes and just walk - outside, in a mall, etc.

7. The idea is to build up your walking time to 30 minutes daily - or more.